Web Scraping With Selenium
Web scraping refers to extracting the content of a website programmatically. Specifically, developers create bots to get the HTML code of a website, parse the code and export the result to an external data source.
Developers do it for different purposes. Search Engines scrape data from websites and further index it so that we can find information much easily. However, there are quite a lot of bad bots on the internet (25.6% of all website traffic comes from bad bots), these bad bots may try to steal your content, e.g. Data Leak in Alibaba's Taobao due to web scraping.
Web Scraping on NBA players' information
Today, web scraping becomes much easier due to technology advance, which we will illustrate it by a simple example, how to scrape NBA players' information, e.g. Height, Birthdate, salary.
Here's the main page of NBA players' basic information: https://hoopshype.com/salaries/players.
We can navigate to another web page that contains each player's basic information from this page.
NBA Players Information Overview
Stephen Curry's basic information
Basic Python & HTML knowledge is required.
We will use Python for web scraping, these are Python modules that we will use
Selenium Driver Installation
To let Selenium module functions, we need to install Selenium driver. The driver depends on the operating system of your machine and the version of your web browser.
We will illustrate the installation steps for Windows, you may refer to https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/installation.html#drivers for more detail.
Download the zip file containing the chromedriver.exe
Selenium Drive zip file
Unzip the folder. Optionally, you can move the folder to another directory
Selenium Driver Executable file
Type "Environment Variables" in start menu & select "Edit the system environment variables"
Search Environment Variables
Update "PATH" variable to include the folder path which contains the driver program
Update 'Path' Environment Variable
Get HTML code of the website
First of all, let us try to use Selenium to launch a new browser & get the source code of NBA players' salary data source.
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Launch Chrome browser
driver.get("https://hoopshype.com/salaries/players") # Navigate to our main page
html = driver.page_source # Get the source code
You should get the HTML code as below.
<html lang="en-US" class="js">
<meta name="description" content="Hoopshype salaries of all NBA players" />
<body class="salaries page-template-default infinite-scroll neverending flip-cards-active">
On the other hand, you should see a new browser is launched.
Browser launched by Selenium
Navigate to NBA player's basic information page
In order to get each player's basic information, we need to navigate to the corresponding page & extract the data. The links of these pages are already in a table of the main page.
NBA players basic information link
To get the links in this table, we can find the corresponding HTML elements. We can use the below method to find the HTML element of those links of NBA players' basic information page.
- Right click one of the links.
Right Click a NBA player's basic information link
- Select "Inspect".
Inspect a NBA player basic information link HTML element
- Developer tool should appear & the corresponding HTML element should be highlighted.
NBA player link HTML element
- HTML elements for other players are similar to this one.
Next, we use Beautiful Soup to extract the links of basic information page for all players.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = driver.page_source # Get the source code
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # Represent the source code & Allow us to do searching
# Locate the salary table & extract all links inside it
salary_table = soup.find("table", {"class": ("hh-salaries-ranking-table",
# players_basic_information_links store all links
players_basic_information_links = [
for a_tag_element in salary_table.findChildren("a" , recursive=True)
There are numerous ways to query the HTML code with BeautifulSoup. Here, we locate the salary table by "table tag" & its classes, then extract all links inside it.
Extract links inside table
Extract basic information
After getting the link to each player's basic information page, we will extract the basic information for each user. Most of those pieces of information are text and non-clickable, we need to locate its element by highlighting them and right clicking as below.
'Inspect' Stephen Curry Basic Information
Once again, you can use BeautifulSoup to extract the elements of those pieces of information by performing certain queries.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
basic_information_page_link "https://hoopshype.com/player/stephen-curry/salary/"
driver.get(basic_information_page_link ) # Navigate to basic information page
basic_information_html = driver.page_source # Get the source code
soup = BeautifulSoup(basic_information_html, 'html.parser') # Represent the source code & Allow us to do searching
# Extract Information
player_name = soup.find("div", {"class": "player-fullname"}).text.strip() # Get Name
player_jersey = soup.find("div", {"class": "player-jersey"}).text.strip() # Get Jersey
player_team = soup.find("div", {"class": "player-team"}).text.strip() # Get Team
# Get all elements with player-bio-text-line-value
# Match each element to corresponding biography information
bio_text_values = soup.find_all("span", {"class": "player-bio-text-line-value"})
player_position = bio_text_values[0].text.strip()
player_birthdate = bio_text_values[1].text.strip()
player_height = bio_text_values[2].text.strip()
player_weight = bio_text_values[3].text.strip()
player_salary = bio_text_values[4].text.strip()
print(player_name + "\n" +
player_jersey + "\n" +
player_team + "\n" +
player_position + "\n" +
player_birthdate + "\n" +
player_height + "\n" +
player_weight + "\n" +
Unfortunately, there is no way to identify position, birth date, height, weight and salary, as all of them share common attributes. Therefore, we get all relevant elements and match them one by one. The output should look like this
Stephen Curry
Golden State Warriors
6-3 / 1.91
185 lbs. / 83.9 kg.
Repeat the steps for each player
After being able to extract the information from a player, we just need to repeat the whole process for each player and store the information
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Launch Chrome browser
driver.get("https://hoopshype.com/salaries/players") # Navigate to our main page
players_basic_information_links = [
for a_tag_element in salary_table.findChildren("a" , recursive=True)
# Initiate arrays to store information
all_players_info = []
# Looping over all basic information page links
# for basic_information_page_link in players_basic_information_links:
# We won't loop over all basic links in this example.
# Otherwise, we may consume too many resources from this website
for basic_information_page_link in players_basic_information_links[:2]:
driver.get(basic_information_page_link ) # Navigate to basic information page
# Extract Information
player_name = soup.find("div", {"class": "player-fullname"}).text.strip() # Get Name
player_jersey = soup.find("div", {"class": "player-jersey"}).text.strip() # Get Jersey
# Store information
# Pause 5 seconds before we get information for another player
# Otherwise, we increase the load for their server significantly
Export result to a csv file
We convert the data to a table-like format
import pandas as pd
# Create a dataframe, you may treat it as a table
df = pd.DataFrame(all_players_info,
columns =[
You should see a table as below.
NBA players Information Pandas Table
Finally, we export the information as a csv file
import pandas as pd
The above tutorial outlines how to scrape data from web pages with just three python modules. In fact, anyone who has basic knowledge of Python & HTML can learn web scraping quickly given that there are lots of mature tools. In other words, anybody can steal your web content easily if you have zero protection on your web content. Therefore, it becomes crucial to protect your content by adopting Cyber Security technologies.
These technologies can monitor your websites' traffic, verify the authenticity of incoming traffic & block the incoming traffic. For example, Geetest's BotSonar, which is adopted by multinational companies, e.g. KFC & Nike, that technology monitors your website 24/7 and distinguishes the traffic between bad bots and human beings by their AI technology. On top of that, you can choose how do you handle those bad incoming traffic, e.g. blocking the bad incoming traffic or showing fake content to them. Besides, Geetest respects your data privacy, their products are GDPR compliant, which is a plus if you are from enterprise background.
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